Returning to Running Programme
What better guidance could there be for returning to running after having a baby than a pelvic health physio and a running coach? Active Health is excited to announce a collaboration between Jo Dowle (pelvic health physiotherapist) and Dave Hunter (running coach) from Hunter Movement to present a comprehensive, evidence-based online programme designed to safely and effectively support your return to running or other higher intensity exercise.
During pregnancy, your body undergoes a number of changes from it pre pregnancy state. In addition, during birth there may be some changes or trauma to your pelvic floor and/or there may have been an incision through the abdominal muscles. Either way, it is important that you rehabilitate your body fully to safely get back into exercise. This program consists of three blocks of progressing intensity over a 12-week period guided by Jo and Dave, to incorporate rehabilitation of the floor, the core and other muscles important in running in order to build a solid foundation to prepare your body for the demands of running.
For more information on the postnatal Return to Running programme please email Jo or Dave:
Jo Dowle – [email protected]
Dave Hunter – [email protected]